One such device that requires firmware upgrades is the CPLAY2air wireless adapter for factory CarPlay. If the device cannot be connected or recognized, the firmware can be upgraded using a USB flash drive. However, it is recommended to upgrade the dongle firmware online to avoid malfunctions. In this article, we will discuss the steps to upgrade the firmware using a USB flash drive and provide some frequently asked questions related to the process.
Key Takeaways
- Upgrading firmware is necessary to keep devices up-to-date and in proper working condition.
- Upgrading the firmware of the CPLAY2air wireless adapter for factory CarPlay can be done using a USB flash drive, but it is recommended to upgrade online to avoid malfunctions.
- It is essential to follow the correct steps and precautions when upgrading firmware to avoid rendering the device useless.
Steps of how to upgrade the firmware by USB flash drive:
To upgrade the firmware of the Carlinkit Dongle (U2W/ U2W Plus), the user needs to follow these steps:
- Prepare a USB flash drive with a maximum capacity of 32 GB and format it as FAT32 (4/8/16/32GB) by right-clicking on the USB Flash Drive.

- Download the img format firmware from the zip package and save it on the USB flash drive. The firmware name should not be modified. If the user bought the device from, they can get the file by sending an email to service@admincarlinkitfactory-com

- Connect the Carlinkit Dongle to a USB wall power outlet or charger. Please don’t use the USB port of the car or computer. Wait for the solid red light to appear.

- Insert the USB flash drive into the Carlinkit Dongle. The LED lights on the dongle should start flashing red and green. Wait until the bright red or blue light is on and then wait for four minutes before unplugging the USB flash drive. If the USB flash drive meets the size and format requirements, but the LED does not appear flashing phenomenon, please replace the USB flash drive.

- Plug the dongle into the USB port of the car once the head unit is fully booted.
It is important to note that the user should not power off the dongle during the firmware upgrade process. The upgrade process should continue until the bright red or blue light is on, and then the user should wait for four minutes before unplugging the USB flash drive.
To get the newest updated firmware file, the user can email
In conclusion, the firmware upgrade process for the Carlinkit Dongle (U2W/ U2W Plus) is simple and straightforward. By following the steps mentioned above, the user can upgrade the firmware successfully.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to Update the Firmware on a Cplay2air Adapter?
To update the firmware on a Cplay2air adapter, users can connect their iPhone to the adapter’s Wi-Fi network and access the update page by entering the URL in Safari. From there, users can check for the latest firmware version and download it if available. Alternatively, users can update the firmware via USB by downloading the firmware update file from the manufacturer’s website and following the instructions provided.
Latest Release Notes for the Cplay2air Firmware Update
The latest release notes for the Cplay2air firmware update can be found on the manufacturer’s website or in the update page accessed via in Safari. The release notes typically include information on new features, bug fixes, and improvements.
How to Perform a Factory Reset on a Cplay2air Device
To perform a factory reset on a Cplay2air device, users can press and hold the reset button on the adapter for 10 seconds until the LED light flashes rapidly. This will reset the adapter to its default settings and erase all saved Wi-Fi networks and pairing information.
Cplay2air Not Connecting After Firmware Update
If a Cplay2air adapter is not connecting after a firmware update, users can try resetting the adapter and restarting their iPhone. If the issue persists, users can try updating the firmware again or contacting the manufacturer for further assistance.
What to Do If Encountering a Network Exception During Cplay2air Firmware Update
If encountering a network exception during a Cplay2air firmware update, users can try resetting the adapter and restarting their iPhone before attempting the update again. If the issue persists, users can try updating the firmware via USB or contacting the manufacturer for further assistance.
Where to Find USB Files Needed for Cplay2air Firmware Update
The USB files needed for a Cplay2air firmware update can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website. Users can follow the instructions provided to download and install the firmware update via USB.